Gull Lake Little League A Safety Awareness Program (ASAP)

To all GLLL Participants:
Each year, all Little Leagues must submit a Safety Manual (ASAP - A Safety Awareness Program) to Little League International (LLI). The purpose of this safety manual shall be to define and record the League's safety program and to develop and implement a plan for promoting the safety of activities, equipment and facilities through education, compliance and reporting. This safety manual will continue to serve as a template and provide the baseline for future year’s development and improvement of little league activities, thereby benefiting the youth and league as a whole by increasing the awareness of safety issues related to Little League.
Please review GLLL ASAP Safety Manual noting the following areas:
- Introductory letters from GLLL Safety Officer and President
- Safety Mission Statement and Safety Code
- Safety Officer and Board of Director Responsibilities
- 2019 Season and Future Safety and Other Improvements
- Manager, Coach and Parent Responsibilities
- Emergency Contact List and Procedures
- Facility and Equipment Safety Guidelines
- Codes of Conduct and Zero-tolerance Policy
- Coaches Fundamentals Training
- Umpire Guidelines
- First-aid Training and other Safety Information
- Guidelines for Injury Prevention
- Injury/Incident Reporting and Medical/Dental Claims information
- Weather Policy and related information
In accordance, GLLL Board of Directors, Division Leaders and Committee Chairs (as applicable) believes that this Safety Program will benefit the league and promotes the importance of involving parents, players, emergency professionals and others in the community in the continuous development of this Safety Program and Plan. It shall be the policy of GLLL to provide an environment in which the risk of injury is reduced to the lowest possible level, via the application of it's published Safety Code.
The importance of the Safety Program and Plan is identified according to the following LLI cited statistic. Since ASAP was implemented in 1994, injuries in all of Little League have decreased by ~80%.
Furthermore, please note and remember that GLLL safety is and should be based on common sense. All GLLL participants, volunteers, spectators, and guests are responsible for helping create a safe environment for each another. Therefore, when at the Richland Township Park and baseball and softball fields, if you witness something that is unsafe, take the appropriate action. In addition, please think about safety issues and offer any idea(s) that could be implemented for this season or in the future, whether they might involve players and/or the facilities. GLLL will promote and encourage the support of all players, volunteers and parents.
Finally, it is the responsibility of GLLL Safety Officer for maintaining and overseeing the Safety Program, via the communication, application, and enforcement of the Safety Code. If you have any questions regarding the Safety Program/Plan or anything related to safety, please contact the Safety Officer or another Board member.
Paul Wargolet
GLLL Safety Officer 2019
MI District 2 Safety Officer 2019