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Gull Lake Little League Gull Lake Little League


If you are a NEW volunteer welcome!

Gull Lake Little League is made possible by volunteers like you and we sincerely appreciate your interest in volunteering to help our community's children expand their love of the game! 

In order to ensure that our children are kept safe we require a background check for EVERYONE that comes in routine contact with the players. 

Please read the Zero Tolerance Policy and Parent Code of Conduct prior to downloading, completing and submitting the NEW Volunteer Application.

If you are a RETURNING volunteer thank you!
Please read the Zero Tolerance Policy and Parent Code of Conduct prior to downloading, completing and submitting the RETURNING Volunteer Application. 

Below are the various roles a person may volunteer for:

Manager/Head Coach
Head Coach/Manager would attend every game and schedule practices as needed. Share baseball/softball knowledge with others. Must love the game of baseball/softball.

Assistant Coach
Assistant Coach should be available at each game and practice and support the manager in operation of the team. Share knowledge with others. Must love the game of baseball/softball.

Umpire (Minors and higher divisions)
Umpire for at least 2 games during the season. Our Umpire in Chief, will contact you with games to ump. Knowledge of the game rules and experience coaching or umping is preferred. Love the game of baseball/softball.

Scorekeeper (Little Minors and higher divisions)
Keeping score using league provided scorebook.

Is sponsoring a team or teams for the 2025 season.

Board Member
Currently serving on the GLLL Board for the 2025 season

Team Parent
There are multiple team volunteers per team. Activities could include coordinating picture forms, scheduling snacks (optional), dugout parent, coordinating team fundraising and any additional help a team manager may need.

Scoreboard (Little Minors and higher divisions)
Keeping score for the scoreboard during games. You will be trained how to use scoreboard.

Opening Day
Help with setting up, various roles during the opening day celebration and clean up. Tentative day for Opening Day celebration is TBD.

Volunteering to assist with field cleanup on a date TBD.

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Contact Us

Gull Lake Little League

PO Box 310 
Richland, Michigan 49083

Email Us: [email protected]
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